Oct 4, 2018GelpieThis is a gelpie - yup, sounds like a fish. This instrument is used to hold deep tissue out of the way when you are working in a deeper...
Aug 27, 2018Cobb ElevatorThis is a Cobb elevator. It is one of my favourite instruments. I use it in almost every case. It can be used to scrape or retract soft...
Jul 27, 2018BristowThis is a Bristow. It has a sharp, squared end and broad handle. It can be used to clear the tissue of firm surfaces (like the periostum...
Nov 4, 2017Articulating Screw Driver - ratchetedI use this screw driver for placing screws into the press fit acetabular shell. The screw driver has a mobile end (articulated) to allow...
Oct 4, 2017Mars-Supial PouchIn bigger cases I attached this cautery pouch to my gortex gown to be my own tool holder. This is so I can put my Bonnies...
Sep 4, 2017OsteotomesOsteotomes are used to chisel bone - literally. They help finish purposeful breaks in the bone. Such as when I need to cut out overgrown...