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Dr. Clark has a special interest in simulation in Health Professions for both teaching and assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes. She has taught nationally and internationally on the use of simulation in health profession education. Her most recent international experience was in Beijing China at the 2nd Annual China Conference on Medical Education. She is active in teaching simulation to health care professionals in Canada through an interactive three day course with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Dr. Clark is currently the Medical Director for the Advanced Technical Skills Simulation Lab at the University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine (
When my referral is sent in by my doctor, how long until I receive notification of appointment?"When the referral is triaged by Dr. Clark, the initial appointment is booked and the referring physician is notified of appointment time and date. First notification will come from your referring physician disclosing your appointment date and time. You will also receive a package in the mail within 2 weeks from this call with paperwork to fill out. Be sure to bring your filled out papers to your appointment. Please also bring shorts to your appointment and a book to read. Our clinics are busy and your appointment may take up to two hours. This time frame is an estimate. If you are a candidate for surgery, our nursing and physio team will be seeing you as well. It is VERY important to read the letter carefully and please do everything requested in preparation for your appointment. Confirming your appointment is important. If it is not confirmed, it can result in appointment cancellation. A fee of $50 for an appointment no show and/or you may need another referral from your doctor. A missed appointment affects TWO people, the person missing the appointment and an additional person who may have benefited from the appointment
I received notification about my upcoming appointment and I am asked to get an x-ray of the affected joint. I have already had other imaging (MRI, CT), do I still need to get the x-ray done?"Yes. New x-rays may also include other joints (comparison) and may be dynamic (meaning weight bearing). Part of taking care of a patient involves looking at images across a time frame, so imaging that is greater than 6 months old will be repeated as well as specialized weight bearing XR with the other joint for comparison. An MRI and CT scans show different anatomic information of your condition.
What can I expect at my first initial appointment?When you arrive at the Bone and Joint Clinic you will check in at the front reception. You will be asked to confirm your contact information and family physician. You will be asked to provide photo identification and your Alberta Health Care Card. After this initial check in, you will be brought to a second waiting area in the back of the clinic. At that point you will have your vital signs taken as well as your weight and height. This is done on initial patient visits only. You will then be brought to a clinic room and asked to change into your shorts. Our clinic staff will then review your paperwork and imaging that you brought with you. Dr. Clark will perform a detailed history, physical exam and imaging review at your appointment. She will then discuss the diagnosis and your goals. Non-surgical and Surgical treatment plans will be discussed. Many times, Dr. Clark will send you home with information for review.
If I am a candidate for total joint surgery, what is the timeframe when I will have my surgery?"When you are deemed a candidate for surgery, you will have a surgery date (or range) is provided to you. Currently we are booking surgical dates 4-6 months from the date you sign the consent. Please be aware that you need to be available 6 weeks prior to the surgery date for tests or Pre-Admission appointments.
I can’t make my appointment, I want to change appointment date or I want to book a follow up. What are the days that she is in clinic?"Currently Dr. Clark has a designated clinic day on Tuesday's and some Fridays. She is not available everyday due to surgery days and her academic/University responsibilities. We try to provide appointments within a timely matter. If you have not seen Dr. Clark yet, please see your family physician for prescription refills and pain management. Appointment availability fills up quickly. Please be aware that when requesting to book a follow up appointment, it may be at least a 1-2 months in advance.
I have not seen Dr. Clark in over a year. Can I please book a follow up with her?You are considered under Dr.Clark’s care as of your consult or last appointment for a year. If you require an appointment after a year you must request another referral. Post operative total joint patients are seen at 2, 6, 12 and sometimes 52 weeks with follow up appointments as needed. After the 12 week appointment yearly checkups are recommended but not necessary.
I have insurance forms for Dr. Clark. What is the office policy on insurance forms?All insurance forms must be signed by the patient prior to completion. These forms are considered permission to release medical information on behalf of the patient. All form completed by the above named office will charge a fee of $75 unless otherwise stated. The patient (or other stated payer on the forms) will receive an invoice from the University of Calgary Medical Group (UCMG) Billers. Forms take at least two weeks to be completed. If surgery is planned, they will not be filled out until the date of surgery. A copy of all completed forms will be kept on the patient file with Dr. Clark. Failure to complete payment after 6 months may result in the pursuant of payment by a collection agency (as per the UCMG Billers guidelines). Please contact Dary at 403-956-3768 to fax or email your forms.
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